Ladylead is an Online and print Magazine Dedicated to Inspiring, Powerful Women leaders in GCC
The vision of LL is to develop a content across the GCC and to be the go-to-platform for women to be able to network, mentor and participate in professional development platform geared toward helping them rise in their careers.
LL facilitates opportunities for women leaders to network, learn and be inspired by role models, mentorship and by each other and will also introduce you to some amazing women every month – who inspire others and make a difference in her entourage.
The LadyLead Magazine will be the voice of the leaders women who have fought against all odds and made it to their respective designations. LL will be the platform that will present their stories that are bound to influence not only women but everyone worldwide.
The ladyleadmag.com will become the go-to source for all women executives for inspiration, views, opinion pieces or discussing the latest industry trends to the technological influence.
Leading woman in GCC in business & Tech who have broken the cliché of gender bias and made their way to success and leadership and emerged as champions. Women who strive to move higher in their organizations going beyond the concept of diversity, inclusion or gender equality.
Their Success stories & Challenges, Their Style and wellness, Their Opinion and much more