Adeline Verdier-Velten a French Entrepreneur living in Dubai.
Mother of 2 , she followed her husband to a new life in Dubai than started thinking about her own professional Career when she invented a “nomadic” job adapted to her new environment.
With “The Musettes” created in January 2018, Adeline wanted to promote these nomadic entrepreneurs who have had to reinvent the family sphere and its habits in a new country, without denying their professional aspirations and thus becoming committed expat’preneurs.
In expatriation, 80% of women are “accompanying spouses” having to reconcile their professional identity with a new life she says ! For the majority, this means reinventing themselves and responding to a double challenge: reinvesting in the family sphere without denying their professional aspirations. situation, these spouses draw incredible energy, immense freedom and turn into “Expatpreneur.”.
With “The Musettes” they testify to their new life: why and how they created their “backpack” professional activity, their approaches, their difficulties, their successes, the management of their work-life balance… everything, in a new professional and geographical universe.
The objective of The Musettes is to support these women in their journey as nomadic entrepreneurs and to highlight their success, within a caring and united community based on four pillars.
The main Pillars are:
– Get inspired: Through real conversations, without jargon… by listening to their podcasts or reading our articles their journey to find the courage to go there and consolidate their project.
– Training : With a network of “tested and approved” professional experts (strategy, digital, marketing, management of a self-employed company, etc…) and online or face-to-face conferences to get off on the right foot! They bring a concrete answer to your business problems.
In short, tailor-made : Help each other : Thanks to a caring and close-knit community & Get “ all over the world ” visibility : The Musettes, a showcase for first steps.
The Musettes is a francophone community for the moment, but has to goal
to develop to the others nationalities.