Struggles That Only Working Mums Will Understand
Working motherhood isn’t a choice, it’s a reality for many women,Having children is both a joy and a hardship, and being a working mother has special difficulties.

The struggles are manifold and below are 8 struggles that only working mums will understand.
Pregnancy is when uncertainty begins.
Before becoming a parent, one would not think about how “child-friendly” their workplace or coworkers are. Once expecting, however, many women find it difficult to decide whether to announce their pregnancy and worry about how people will react.
A working mother worries with the dynamics at work and how her coworkers would adjust to her maternity leave and reduced overtime, in addition to anxiety about how employers will respond and whether it would effect career progress.
Flexible” Work Schedule
Even if employers are tolerant of working moms, many still don’t have flexible hours in place. Some businesses allow working moms to work from home on specific days when the kid is unwell or if there isn’t any other child care available. However, despite the company’s willingness to be flexible, such a situation could cause discontent among coworkers or even with the supervisor.
Maintaining Contact with Work During Pregnancy
In today’s climate of evolving technology and corporate mergers, certain vocations also become quickly outdated in addition to smartphones and computers. Consequently, for some moms, taking maternity leave does not mean stopping their jobs.
Some moms who return from maternity leave may find it difficult to adjust to working again. Fortunately, a lot of businesses are adopting flexible hours.

Time with kids versus a late bedtime
Most dual-income families find that answering this question is a daily struggle. Children desire to spend time with their parents, especially because the only time they see them is in the late evening when working parents have limited free time at home. Late bedtimes or insufficient sleep, however, are linked to a number of negative impacts on development and behavior.
Every day, working mothers wrestle with the decision of whether to put their kids to bed earlier or spend more time with them for bonding. There is no simple solution to this, especially if one’s job prevents them from leaving on time.
Weekend or Weekday, a workday is a workday.
Taking an annual leave of absence might occasionally be the sole opportunity to connect with one’s spouse, friends, or even oneself. For working parents, the weekdays are spent at work, and the weekends are typically taken up with taking the kids to various activities, going outside, or spending uninterrupted time with them.
Working parents do have numerous difficulties, as time constraints and high job demands make it difficult to balance work, family, and home. So it’s crucial for couples to stick together and overcome obstacles as a couple.